Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Noah's 4 Months

As of July 15, Noah is 4 months.  He's doing GREAT!  He took his shots like a pro and is growing like a weed.  He now weighs 14 lbs. 6 oz. (smaller than Bella, bigger than Beau).  He's 24.75 inches in height and his head circ. is 16.34 inches.

As of 4 months, he's rolling over.  He started rolling over around 3.5 months and now he's all over the place. He is still getting up 1 time a night and the time is unpredictable.  It can range between 1am and 4 am.  I'm trying lots of tricks to try to get him to only wake up once closer to 5 or 6 am.  Wish me luck.

He had his first cold this past month, but recovered quickly.  He's a champ.

Video: Noah Rolling Over

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