Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cabo - Feed the Children

While Joel was in Cabo, he visited a church and helped feed the children. The church has a program where they feed the children and have a church service 3 times a week.

Jon had set up the trip and Janice, Joel and Mark were happy to go with him. Joel met a lot of interesting people and even saw a mother and with a child that was only about 2 weeks old. The living conditions are so bad, Joel's comment to me was "I can only imagine where she gave birth. We are so fortunate to live in the US."

He said all the children were extremely polite and so thankful for everything they received. I guess it really puts things into perspective. He and I have been saving to go on our own missions trip next year. I asked Joel if he's ready to go after experiencing this. He said, no! But we are ready to have an experience of a lifetime, no matter how difficult it may be.

We truly are blessed!

Mark serving the little ones their meals.
Leave it to Mark to befriend every stray dog.This is one of the home's backyards.They use whatever they can find to build their homes. Stuff we tent to send to the dump.This is a local church where the kids were served.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for the Kestersons! We all need to stop and put our lives into perspective and realize that we have NOTHING to complain about. We all need to appreciate everything!