Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tea Party

No... I'm not referring to the recent gathering of conservatives regarding taxes. I'm talking about a real, old fashioned tea party.

A few weeks ago my sister and mom hosted a table at their church's annual tea party. They both decorated their tables and served their guests a lovely lunch and wonderful tea. Talk about high society! We had a blast visiting and listening to a great message on the book of Ruth. What more can a girl ask for.


Lisa said...

That was really fun, you looked amazing by the way. I'm glad I was able to attend with you girls. I thought the message was fantastic too, she was a great speaker.
Wish I'd see you & Beau at book club this weekend, but alas another tea party calls my name.
Have a great weekend, Vanessa. Good luck with your move!

Name: Josh and Amy said...

Oooo, yummy: tea & crum00pe02111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110l-o-llllllllllllkkkkkkkk-- *um, thanks, Baker* , as I was saying Tea & Crumpettes! :-)