Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ask and you shall receive.

The wait is over. We have finally decided to start blogging, mainly because Amy wouldn't stop bugging me until I started one. Since this is our first post, I've decided to give you a little update on the family.

Joel and I have ordered our new home. "Ordered our new home". That's funny to say. It will be ready to be delivered in January. So we're locked in. Yikes. Hopefully our house will sell soon. Or we'll be blessed with enough money to pay off our mortgage. I'm praying we'll be able to pay off our mortgage all at once. :)

Beau's almost 3 months old. It's hard to believe just 3 months ago he was still in my tummy. He's so animated and is really starting to come to life. We are really enjoying his constant babble. He's going to be a talker.

I know this post is a little boring, but it's a start.


Anonymous said...

Yes, breastfeeding has helped a lot, but i think I've hit a wall.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and already reading. Wow! But we new he would be a genius. This is so cool, put some more pics on. Have a Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

OOPS! I put my name at the bottom, this is new to me. I am not blogger literate. Yet! :-)

Anonymous said...

hi,Vanessa.i thought that will be nice for our family and friends to have our website to keep in touch with everything instead of emails. i will look into for now, thank you for doing this, is so nice to see you and Beau and Joel. Merry Christmass !!
sorry i missed the elephant party.Marius.

Jon and Whitney Kesterson said...

Wow Vanessa! I'm so impressed you're organized enough to do this. So fun to look at, keep them coming.