In mid August we took our annual family camping trip. Joel and I were feeling ambitious so we decided to take Beau with us for the first time while Bella stayed behind with Gabby and Popo and then Cousin Ami, Marius and Ethan. Beau had a blast during the day, but the nights were another story. He cried all night long, waking up the entire camp site, so night number one Joel and Beau slept (well...Beau sort of slept and Joel was awake holding him) in the car. The second night, we held him all night long, scared to move an inch, but we were able to stay in our tent. We would have loved to stay longer, but the lack of sleep was starting to catch up with us. Maybe next year he'll do better sleeping in a tent, with us.
(backpack packed and ready to go, too bad he's one day early.)

(playing in the dirt by the fire pit)

(the breakfast line: Uncle Kenny, Cousin Danny, me, Mom, Cousin Kristin, Aunt Mary)

(breakfast with a smile)

(Beau walked out pretty far in the water, holding dad's hand of course)

(Beau loves his Aunt Mel , or Aunt Mo as he likes to say)

(basking in the sun: Uncle Kenny, Joel and Cousin Pat)

(The Noma's let us borrow their kayaks, so fun. As you can see my mom is scared of the water, which is why she was sure to fasten her life jacket)

(coke zero for Joel, raisins for Beau)